If so, I can help. If you'd like to schedule a free call with me to learn more, click this button:

Dear Parent,
My name is Daniel Wong.
I specialize in helping teenagers to develop motivation, discipline, and resilience.
I do this by equipping them with the mindset and skills for success in school – and beyond.
Read on to find out how I can help your teen through this 1:1 coaching program. (It's much more than just academic coaching or life coaching for teens!)

Does Your Teenager Lack Focus, Discipline, or Time Management Skills?
Or does your teenager struggle with one of the following problems?
- Doesn’t see the importance of education
- Has a negative attitude
- Has important exams coming up in the near future (like PSLE, O-Levels, GCSEs, N-Levels, A-Levels, etc.) but isn't preparing well for them
- Lacks organizational skills
- Suffers from anxiety
- Is forgetful
- Gives up easily
- Lacks a sense of responsibility
- Lacks self-confidence
- Is addicted to texting, gaming, social media, watching videos, etc.
These problems are all too common.
I know this for a fact, because I’ve spoken to and worked with more than 20,000 teens around the world.
My experience has made one thing clear – all parents want their children to make the most of their potential. But obstacles like the ones above often get in the way.
That’s why I’m here to help.
I'll Personally Coach Your Teenager to Success.
I specialize in helping students to find inner motivation, and to become both successful and happy.
I’ve also written a best-selling book, The Happy Student: 5 Steps to Academic Fulfillment and Success.
I primarily work with teenagers, but I sometimes also work with students outside that age range.
Regardless of your child’s age, one thing is certain...
Through this 1:1 program, your child will become more motivated, focused, and disciplined. He or she will also cultivate a success mindset, build resilience, and develop a positive attitude.
This all sounds good, right?
But I’m sure you can’t help asking yourself:
"Will This Coaching Program Work for My Teenager? And If It Does, Will the Effects Be Long-Lasting?"
If you’re asking yourself those questions, it means you’re a smart parent.
You know there’s no such thing as a “one size fits all” approach that’s effective for every student.
That’s why I work with students one on one, so I can customize the program to meet their needs specifically.
I don’t rely on motivational techniques that have only a temporary effect. I don’t manipulate students’ emotions. I don’t “guilt” them into short-lived performance improvements.
Instead, I empower students through timeless principles and techniques which are backed by science.
This approach has worked so well that I even receive emails from parents years later, telling me that their children have experienced long-term benefits from the program.
So the answer to the questions above is...
Yes, This Coaching Program Will Work for Your Teenager. Here Are Success Stories to Prove It.
"Through the program, I have become more organized and responsible. I'm a more productive student now, and my memory has improved too."
Christopher L.
High school / secondary school student
"I have learned to become more motivated and to study more efficiently. My grades have improved, and Daniel even taught me how to make new friends."
High school / secondary school student
"The tips and techniques that Daniel shared with me have been effective. I'm now more motivated when it comes to my academics."
High school / secondary school student
"Daniel has taught me how to have a more positive attitude. He showed me how to reduce my phone usage, become more motivated, and plan my schedule."
Low SE
High school / secondary school student
"The methods I've learned during the program with Daniel have been helpful. Now I'm more organized and disciplined."
Keith L.
High school / secondary school student
And These Are Emails I've Received From Happy Parents.
Note: I've blurred the names and email addresses to protect my clients' privacy.

These testimonials and emails represent just a small percentage of the total number of students I’ve helped.
So I’m confident that your teen, too, will benefit tremendously from working with me.
If you're already convinced, just click the button below:
(Click this button to schedule your complimentary 30-minute call with me)
Does your teen present a special challenge?
If so, you might be wondering about this program (which includes academic coaching, life coaching, mentoring, and more)...
"Can You Help My Teenager Who Has Unique Needs, or Who Has Gone Through Difficult Circumstances in Life?"
The answer is “yes.”
I’ve successfully worked with students who:
- Have learning disabilities like ADD/ADHD and dyslexia
- Cut their wrists
- Are victims of bullying
- Have experienced the death of a parent
- Suffer from bulimia or anorexia
- Come from single-parent or blended families
- Have anxiety disorders
- Aren’t on speaking terms with their parents
- Have endured physical and emotional abuse
I’ve equipped these students with the tools to overcome these problems, so they can live up to their full potential.
Regardless of your teenager’s background, I’m ready to help.
At this point, you might be curious about what makes this 1:1 coaching program so effective.
Read on to the next section to find out.
6 Reasons Why This Program Is Far More Effective Than Others
This program is one on one, so I'm able to completely customize it to meet each student's needs.
Every student faces unique challenges. So for optimal results, customization is essential.
Students might require a combination of a mindset shift, motivation, academic support, mentoring, life coaching, counseling, etc.
But with large-scale programs, motivational camps, and instructional workshops, there’s no customization at all.
Because of the one-on-one nature of this coaching program, I’m able to tailor the approach and content to ensure maximum relevance. This, in turn, leads to far better results.
For example, when I work with students whose lack of motivation or poor performance is related to low self-esteem, I address that issue first.
But if the root cause is procrastination or a lack of organizational skills, then I focus on those areas as a priority.
This tailor-made approach is vital to ensure continual progress.
I use a holistic, science-based approach for optimal results.
These are the three areas I typically focus on: Purpose, Principles, and Performance.
Under the “Purpose” pillar, I cover things related to understanding the value of education, cultivating a success mindset, and finding purpose in academics and beyond.
Under the “Principles” pillar, I cover things related to the principles of habit formation, behavioral change, time management, and stress management.
Under the “Performance” pillar, I cover things related to organizational skills, studying and exam techniques, and scientific methods to improve performance. I coach students to perform well academically, especially in major exams like PSLE, O-Levels, GCSEs, N-Levels, A-Levels, etc.
As mentioned earlier, I customize the program such that the topics discussed are both relevant and meaningful to the student.
I have the unique ability to connect with students and influence them.
When most students reach the pre-teen or teen years, it’s no longer possible to just tell them what to do and expect them to follow.
They must first be convinced of the importance of what they’ve been asked to do. And they won’t be convinced of this unless someone connects deeply with what is meaningful to them.
I have the unique ability to connect with students in this way, and to inspire them to take action. Early on in the program, they begin to look to me as a mentor, someone they respect and are willing to listen to.
That’s a big reason why students make such remarkable progress through this program.
As you can see, this program is about so much more than just academic coaching or life coaching for teens.
I have vast experience working with students, so I understand the challenges they face.
I’ve spoken to and worked with more than 20,000 teenagers around the world.
Some of them are from poor families, while others are from rich families.
Some of them have family problems, while others come from happy homes.
Some of them are motivated students who are looking for an extra boost, while others are chronic underachievers.
I’ve seen it all, so I know which approach to use in each case for optimal results.
In addition, I’ve earned certificates in counseling and coaching. This means that I’m armed with the skills to counsel, advise, and empower your teen.
I’ve gone through my own transformational journey, so I’m equipped to guide students through theirs.
As a teenager, I was the victim of bullying.
The bullies once locked me in a classroom. They called me all sorts of names. One time they even took my backpack and hid it, so when I wanted to go home after school I couldn’t find it.
Over time, I became both depressed and angry. My self-esteem was destroyed.
I cried myself to sleep at night, and I lashed out in violence again and again. I lived in fear and anxiety. I lacked intrinsic motivation.
All in all, I was headed down a bad path – a path of destruction.
One day, I decided that I had to change course. So I embarked on a journey of learning, reflecting, and growing.
I developed a sense of purpose. I changed my attitude and mindset. I learned the scientific principles of motivation and applied them.
Three years later, I emerged as a resilient, confident, focused, and purpose-driven student.
Having gone through this transformational journey, I understand the principles students must embrace in order to change their behavior and attitude.
These are the principles I share with students through this program.
I have the credentials to prove that the principles and techniques I teach students are effective.
A common question parents ask me is, “Daniel, what are your credentials?”
I get this question so often that I’m going to devote the entire next section to answering it.
Here Are My Credentials
I’m not trying to boast about my accomplishments, really!
I just want to reassure you that your teen is in good hands when you sign him or her up for this coaching program.
- I’m the best-selling author of The Happy Student: 5 Steps to Academic Fulfillment and Success.
- I’ve spoken to thousands of parents, educators, and students in various countries.
- My work has been featured in Yahoo!, The Huffington Post, Channel 5, 938Live Radio, TODAY, The New Paper, Parents World, and Seventeen, among others.
- I’ve given three TEDx talks.
- I’ve earned certificates in counseling and coaching.
- I’ve spoken to and worked with more than 20,000 teenagers.
- I never received a grade lower than an A- on a major exam.
- I received a full academic scholarship to study at Duke University (USA).
- I graduated summa cum laude (First Class Honors) from Duke University with a double major and a GPA of 3.98/4.0.
- I’m known as a teen and learning expert.
- I write regularly at Daniel-Wong.com, a website which has received more than 10,000,000 page views – a number that’s growing fast.
By now, I hope you’re convinced that I’ll be able to help your teen.
If you are, click this button:
(Click this button to schedule your complimentary 30-minute call with me)
There's one thing I want to clarify...
This 1:1 Coaching Program for Teens Is Much More Than Just Tutoring, Academic Coaching, or Life Coaching.
Please don’t misunderstand – I have nothing against private tutors, academic coaches, or life coaches.
This program is about a lot more than academic skills – even though I share such information with students, too.
I equip students with the mindset and skills to perform well in exams, especially major ones like PSLE, O-Levels, GCSEs, N-Levels, A-Levels, etc.
I receive comments from students who, after going through this program, tell me they no longer need tutoring lessons at all!
This kind of success is possible because, as already mentioned, I customize the program to meet each student’s needs.
During the program, I typically cover the following topics:
I can read your mind. You’re thinking, “Wow, that’s an impressive list.”
But you’re also thinking...
"How Many Sessions Does it Take to Cover Those Topics? How Long is Each Session? And How Often Are the Sessions?"
Those are excellent questions. Here are the answers:
This coaching package for teens consists of eight 1-hour sessions. Ideally, we’ll have the sessions once a week.
I’ve found that these eight 1-hour weekly sessions are sufficient to get the momentum going, and to sustain your teenager’s progress.
(I’m not too strict about the duration of each session, so it might be just over an hour if we’re in the middle of discussing something.)
During these sessions, I’m generally able to cover the topics listed in the previous section.
But this also depends on how motivated, disciplined, organized, and resilient the student is when I first start working with him or her.
It also depends on whether there are other underlying issues related to self-esteem, anxiety, identity, or other problem areas that need to be addressed.
As you’d expect, students who are already in good shape emotionally and mentally tend to make faster improvements.
But regardless of how your teenager is currently doing, he or she will make excellent progress over the course of the eight 1-hour sessions.
If you decide to embark on this journey, we’ll get to work right away.
Here's What Happens When I Work With Your Teenager
We’ll arrange to have the first session, which will be conducted by video call over Zoom or Skype.
Over the years, I've found that having the sessions online is more effective than having them in person.
One big reason for this is convenience. When I previously met some of my clients in person, I discovered that a number of them had to travel one hour or more just to attend the sessions.
Even though these clients looked forward to the sessions, the long commute time caused them to not be in the right frame of mind to attend the sessions.
In addition, the online sessions are one on one and are highly interactive, so there's no problem getting my clients to be fully engaged.
Parents aren’t allowed to join in during the sessions. This is because students are often less willing to talk openly about their challenges in the presence of their parents. This reduces the effectiveness of the sessions.
During or after the first session, we’ll find a regular slot for the remaining sessions.
I currently reserve every day of the week to have sessions with my clients, except Sunday.
During each session, I’ll use the best approach (e.g., counseling, coaching, mentoring, advising, teaching, instructing) to help your teenager at his or her current stage of development.
I’ll also provide your teenager with notes and resources as necessary.
In addition, at the end of every session, your teenager and I will complete an “action sheet.” This is a document that describes exactly what actions or techniques your teenager has agreed to implement in the coming week.
At the beginning of each session, I’ll follow up to see if your teenager has experienced any difficulties in putting into practice what he or she has agreed to (as documented on the “action sheet”).
This creates a sense of accountability, and ensures that your teenager will make continual progress.
I’m sure you’ll want to know how your teen is doing.
So every three to four sessions, I’ll provide you with an email update. I’ll outline the things I’ve been discussing with your teen, and I’ll inform you of any specific areas of concern.
And if I think there’s anything you can do at home to further support your teen, I’ll be sure to let you know.
As you can hopefully tell, I take my job very seriously. It really is my mission and calling to help teenagers maximize their potential!
I want you to know how much value you’ll be getting when you register your teen for this program.
Let me break it down for you in the next section.
What's the Value of the Coaching Program?
By signing up for this program, it’s as if your teen were to engage the following professionals all at once:
$10,000 a year
$9,000 a year
$8,000 a year
$9,000 a year
$10,000 a year
$12,000 a year
That’s tens of thousands of dollars of value that your teen will receive by working with me!
What’s more, the benefits from this program will last.
In fact, I receive emails from parents years after I’ve finished working with their children. They tell me about how their children are still using the principles and techniques I taught them, and how much their children continue to benefit from the program!
You must be interested in these benefits, given that you’ve read up to this point. I trust you’re now convinced that this program is an effective one.
This program isn’t the cheapest one around.
But compared to similar programs out there, it’s the highest quality and most customized one in the entire world.
That’s a bold claim, I know. But given the number of teenagers I’ve helped successfully, that’s a claim that I make with confidence.
To ensure that there’s no risk on your part...
I'm Even Offering a 100% Money-Back Guarantee.
Here's how the guarantee works...
The 100% money-back guarantee applies for the first session.
To ensure that there’s commitment on both our parts, I do require payment to be made before the first session.
But, if after the first session you (or your teenager) decide that this program isn’t suitable and you don’t want to continue with further sessions, I’ll refund you the entire amount.
This means that you won’t pay a single cent.
In other words, the first session is a risk-free trial, even though it’s part of the eight-session package.
What happens if you decide to stop the sessions midway through?
That’s a good question.
If you decide to stop the program later on, I’ll refund you the prorated amount based on how many sessions your teenager has had up to that point.
For example, if you decide to stop the sessions after the fourth one, this would mean that your teenager has completed half of the eight sessions. If you request a refund at this point, I’ll refund you half of the total amount.
I also promise that all refund requests will be processed within two business days.
I pride myself on doing my very best to help my clients get the results they want. So rest assured that refund requests are extremely rare.
But I still offer this refund policy to ensure that there’s no risk for you.
And That's Not All...
It’s important that you and I work together to help your teenager make as much progress as possible.
So in addition to providing parents with an email update every three to four sessions, I also offer a complimentary session for parents.
During this session, we’ll discuss your teenager’s progress. I’ll also share with you the insights I’ve gathered so far, which will help you to better support your teenager.
Typically, we’ll schedule this parents’ session some time after your teenager has completed his or her fourth session.
I hope you can tell how committed I am to helping your teenager succeed!
So if you’re interested in signing your teenager up for this program...
Here's What to Do Next
Before I start working with your teen, I’m sure you’d like to speak with me over the phone to find out more.
And I’d like to speak with you to understand the challenges your teen faces. This way, I’ll be better able to customize the program to meet his or her needs from the very first session.
So I’d be happy to schedule a complimentary 30-minute call to discuss things further.
If, after the call, you decide that this program isn’t suitable for your teen, that’s completely fine. There’s no obligation to register your teen for the program.
In other words, there’s no reason not to schedule the call with me!
Click the “I’d Like to Find Out More” button below.
Take a couple of minutes to complete the short form.
Check that you've entered your details correctly.
Click the "Submit" button at the end of the form.
It’s as simple as that.
To find out more from me over the phone, just click the button below.
(Click this button to schedule your complimentary 30-minute call with me)
Just in Case You Still Have Doubts, Here Are More Emails I've Received From Happy Parents
Note: I've blurred the names and email addresses to protect my clients' privacy.

And These Are Heartwarming Emails I've Received From Students
Note: I've blurred the names and email addresses to protect my clients' privacy.

Want to Find Out More? Click the Button Below to Schedule a Call With Me
It would be my joy to help your teenager make the most of his or her potential.
You have my word that I’ll do my very best to empower your teenager with the mindset and skills needed to get on the right track.
I look forward to connecting with you soon!
Yours sincerely,
Daniel Wong
(Click this button to schedule your complimentary 30-minute call with me)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
I’m interested in signing my teenager up for the program, but I’m not sure I can persuade him/her. What do you suggest?
What age range is this program suitable for?
What happens after the eight 1-hour sessions?
Where are the sessions conducted?
My teenager faces unique problems and challenges. During the sessions, can you cover other topics that you haven’t mentioned so far?
Don't Miss Out On This Opportunity...
Even after reading through this whole webpage, you might still have doubts.
So I'm ready to answer your questions over the phone.
Click the button below to schedule your complimentary call. There's really nothing to lose!
(Click this button to schedule your complimentary 30-minute call with me)