The Complete Guide to Taking Tests and Exams

Proven Strategies to Dramatically Boost Students’ Grades (Without Studying More!)

The Complete Guide to Taking Tests and Exams
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Does Your Child Make Careless Mistakes in Tests and Exams?

Does your child underperform because he or she doesn’t cope well with exam stress?

Or maybe your child hasn’t mastered the skill of taking tests and exams?

If so, The Complete Guide to Taking Tests and Exams is the solution you’re looking for.

I’m Daniel Wong, and I specialise in helping students to become both successful and happy.

Education isn’t just about getting good grades. But tests and exams are a major part of every student’s life, so I decided to create this comprehensive guide for students of all ages.

You’re probably wondering . . .

“What Exactly is The Complete Guide to Taking Tests and Exams?”

  • Instant access as a downloadable PDF
  • Comprehensive handbook filled with test- and exam-taking tips
  • 58 pages long
  • Contains 90+ strategies and tips
  • Useful resource for students of all ages, from primary/elementary school all the way through university (and for parents too!)
  • Designed for easy printing
  • Students who apply all the strategies can expect to improve their grades by 20% to 30% or more!

“What Topics Are Covered in the Guide?"

Chapter 1: What to do the day before the test/exam

  • Developing a plan for the test/exam
  • Managing exam stress
  • Administrative and logistical matters

Chapter 2: What to do the day of the test/exam

  • Physical preparation
  • Mental preparation
  • Staying calm and relaxed

Chapter 3: What to do during the test/exam itself

  • Eliminating careless mistakes
  • Managing time wisely during the test/exam
  • Preventing the misreading of questions
  • What to do if you get stuck on a question
  • Staying focused during the entire test/exam
  • What to do with any extra time remaining

Chapter 4: Powerful strategies for specific types of questions/tests/exams

  • Multiple-choice questions
  • Short-answer questions
  • True/false questions
  • Essay questions
  • Reading comprehension questions
  • Oral tests/exams
  • Mathematics tests/exams
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I Designed the Guide With Both Students and Parents in Mind.

The Complete Guide to Taking Tests and Exams was designed with these two groups of people in mind:

1. Students aged 10 and up, all the way through university
2. All parents of school-going children, no matter what their children’s age

I wrote the guide in a simple, straightforward manner.

Students as young as 10 years old will have no problem understanding the strategies described in the guide.

Students younger than 10 may require some guidance as they apply the tips in the guide. This is the reason I designed the guide with parents in mind too.

Parents of school-going children will find it to be a helpful reference guide.

This Is a Practical and Useful Resource . . . Here’s What Students and Parents Have to Say!

The guide is very comprehensive, and I found it useful. It covers everything students need to know about taking tests and exams. It even covers specific tips related to nutrition, which will help students to perform better!

Foo SJ
Secondary school student

I like the guide and I will do my best to implement all the tips. I enjoyed the stories and personal anecdotes that Daniel used to illustrate the points.

Gabriel W.
Primary school student

I found the tips useful, especially the last chapter on tips to answer specific types of questions.

See SW

This is a really helpful guide. I like how it explains to students exactly what to do before and during the test/exam to get better grades. I found those sections the most useful.

Louis L.
High school student

The guide is written in a clear and organised manner. After reading the guide, I now know how to guess the right answer intelligently even if I'm not sure.

Anders L.
Secondary school student

The guide is well written. The content is easy to digest, and the pace of the guide is just right.

Joy T.
University student

This guide is a fantastic tool that will help students perform better during their exams. It is comprehensive and detailed, and will calm the nerves of students who read it. I give it two thumbs up!

Chiang SC

The Complete Guide to Taking Tests and Exams contains lots of useful tips. At the same time, the guide is both simple and easy to understand.

Disha B.
Primary school student

I found this to be an interesting read. The Complete Guide to Taking Tests and Exams is in-depth and well organised. It's really like a textbook on how to take tests and exams!

Wayne T.
Secondary school student

Daniel has the incredible ability to organise information and develop practical tips that can be applied in various ways. The Complete Guide to Taking Tests and Exams is an effective guide that students should definitely use before taking exams!

Simone U.
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You Can Trust Me When It Comes to Test- and Exam-Taking Strategies.

Here are some reasons why:

  • Throughout my career as a student, I never received a grade lower than an A- on a major exam.
  • My PSLE (Primary School Leaving Examination) score was 273.
  • I got 9 A1s for the GCE O-Levels.
  • I got 4 As and 2 ‘S’ Paper Distinctions for the GCE A-Levels.
  • I received a full academic scholarship to study at Duke University (USA).
  • I graduated summa cum laude (First Class Honours) from Duke University with a double major and a GPA of 3.98/4.0.
  • I’m known as a learning expert.
  • I’m the best-selling author of The Happy Student: 5 Steps to Academic Fulfillment and Success.
  • I write regularly at, which has received more than 1,000,000 page views – a number that’s growing fast.

I’ve condensed all my knowledge of acing tests and exams into The Complete Guide to Taking Tests and Exams.

I’m extremely confident that you’ll find it to be a useful resource, so . . .

I’m Even Offering a 100% Money-Back Guarantee.

I’m sure you’ll be glad that you invested in The Complete Guide to Taking Tests and Exams.

But if, for some reason, you don’t think it’s a useful resource, just email within 60 days of purchase and request a refund.

Within one business day, I’ll refund you the entire amount – no questions asked.

In other words, there’s so much to gain and nothing to lose.

Click this button and get your copy of the guide today:

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. I’m from [insert country name]. Will this guide be relevant to the education system of my country?

Yes, it will be.

I’ve had the unique experience of being born in South Africa, growing up in Hong Kong and Singapore, and going to university in the United States.

I’ve also spoken to and worked with students from countries like Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, France, Germany, Qatar, and the United States.

Rest assured that I’ve designed the guide to be applicable to education systems around the world.

(Besides, my vast experiences tell me that the test and exam formats across education systems are very similar.)

Q2. What age group is the guide relevant to?

The guide is useful to students from primary/elementary school, all the way through university.

Students below the age of 10 may require some assistance in applying the tips outlined in the guide. This is why I designed the guide with parents in mind too.

Students aged 10 and above will have no problem putting the strategies into practice on their own.

Q3. Is there a guarantee?

Yes, I offer a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee.

If you don’t think the guide is useful, email within 60 days of purchase and ask for a refund.

The full refund will be processed within one business day.

Q4. How long will it take to get access to the guide after I make payment?

You’ll get access immediately.

Within a minute or so after making payment, you’ll receive an email with the subject line “Thank you! (Download link inside)”.

Click on the link in that email to download the one complete PDF file.

Q5. How much does the guide cost in other currencies?

The price listed is in US dollars. Click here to convert to other currencies.

Q6. Does the guide cover exam preparation and revision strategies?

The guide covers test- and exam-taking strategies, starting from one day before the test/exam until the end of the test/exam.

It doesn’t cover medium- and long-term exam preparation strategies, because those are beyond the scope of the guide.

Q7. Can I find all of the information contained in the guide on your blog?

Unfortunately, you can’t.

I invested many, many hours to create this guide. It contains detailed information based on my unique experiences and knowledge. You’ll only be able to find the information in the guide.

Q8. If the guide is so good, why is the price so low?

You’re right, the price is very low. It's just the cost of a meal from McDonald’s!

I want to put the guide within reach of everyone, which is why it’s priced so low.

My goal is always to provide far more value than the investment my customers make. I’m confident that I’ve achieved my goal in this case!

Q9. I have a question about something that isn’t covered here. Who can I contact?

Send an email to Someone will get back to you within two business days.

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By Applying the Strategies in the Guide, Students Will . . .

  • Stop making careless mistakes in their tests/exams
  • Be far more likely to guess the correct answer, even if they’re not sure what the answer is
  • Be physically and mentally prepared for every test/exam
  • Have a structured plan for every test/exam
  • Manage their time wisely during tests/exams
  • Deal with exam stress effectively
  • Perform better on specific types of questions and exams, e.g. multiple-choice, short-answer, true/false, essay, reading comprehension, oral, mathematics

Get Instant Access to The Complete Guide to Taking Tests and Exams Now.

It costs the same as a meal from McDonald’s – it’s that affordable!

There’s also a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee, so there’s no risk at all.

What are you waiting for?

Click the button below and get your copy now!

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Copyright © Daniel Wong International