
Transform Your Teen Today

Transform your teen today

This comprehensive video course for parents will enable them to transform their teens into ones who are motivated and responsible – guaranteed!

If you're a parent of a teenager, this course is for you.

The Perfect Study Plan

The perfect study plan

This is a detailed video course that enables students to become focused and effective learners who don't procrastinate.

It's designed for students of all ages and for parents, too.

Resolving Conflicts Guide

The Step-By-Step Guide to Resolving Conflicts With Your Pre-Teen/Teen

This is a step-by-step guide I wrote for all parents of children aged 10 to 19.

By applying the tips in the guide, parents will be able to resolve even the most challenging conflicts quickly and peacefully.

Straight A Student Checklist

Straight-A Student Weekly Checklist

Want to become a focused, disciplined, and organized student? Or, if you're a parent, do you want that for your children?

I've created a simple system for academic success, and it's called the Straight-A Student Weekly Checklist.


The Complete Guide to Taking Tests and Exams

This is a comprehensive handbook filled with test- and exam-taking tips. It's designed for students of all ages.

Students who apply all the tips can expect to improve their grades by 20 to 30% or more without even studying more!

The Happy Student by Daniel Wong

The Happy Student: 5 Steps to Academic Fulfillment and Success

Are your children or teenagers happy, motivated students? Or do they drag themselves to school every morning?

In The Happy Student, I describe the five key steps to take in order to become a happy, fulfilled, and successful student.

I got straight A's all through college and received numerous academic honors and awards, but I didn't find fulfillment in my achievements until I discovered the five steps.

If you're a student who has begun to question what the true purpose of education is, The Happy Student will lead you to the right answer.

If you're a parent or teacher, you'll find inspirational ideas in The Happy Student to help your students become intrinsically motivated.

The Happy Mom

The Happy Mom: Find Joy in Motherhood While Helping Your Children Thrive

(This is a book written by my mom, Doreen Wong. I wrote the foreword of the book.)

Are you fearful or frustrated as a mom? Have you lost the joy of motherhood?

If you're struggling, The Happy Mom contains principles and tips to help you overcome your challenges and enable your children to thrive.

If you're doing great as a mom, it will empower you to go from strength to strength.

The Happy Mom will guide you, step by step, to become a happier – and better – mom.