Isn’t it frustrating?
You try hard as a parent. You do so much for your children, but they’re frequently not respectful toward you.
Sometimes they ignore what you say, or they talk back to you. They even ask you to stop nagging.
I’ve spoken to and worked with close to 25,000 children and teenagers so far, so I know how to get your kids to respect you.
When I say “respect”, I’m referring to a sense of admiration and honour that your children have toward you.
I’m not referring to your children feeling afraid of you.
In other words, if you want to get your children to respect you, you’ll need to earn it.
What is respectful parenting?
“Treat other people the way you want to be treated.”
You’ve likely heard this saying countless times before. Maybe you’ve even repeated it to your children.
We all know we should show others the respect we want to receive, but sometimes that’s easier said than done — especially when it comes to our kids.
The thing is, our children are people, too. Respectful parenting means treating them as such.
Rather than telling your children to respect you simply because you’re the authority figure, respectful parenting is about building a mutually respectful relationship with your kids — one where your children know they’re supported, heard and valued.
How to teach your kids respect
We’ve all been there…
After a long, stressful day, your children won’t stop arguing with you about one more hour of screen time.
When they badger you with the dreaded Why not, you resort to Because I said so.
It’s a quick-fix when you’re at your wits’ end.
The only problem?
Your children start to feel as if you don’t value or respect their opinion.
Now, I’m not saying you should give your kids everything they want. But when you demonstrate respectful parenting and practise positive reinforcement and reciprocity, your kids will understand the appropriate behaviour to model.
That means more respectful children — and a more harmonious family life, too.
Teaching kids about respect doesn’t have to be an ongoing battle. Let’s look at 50 tips for teaching children respect today.
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1. Respect your children
Wondering how to get your kids to respect you?
Children learn from watching you, and they’re likely to copy your behaviour. When you demonstrate basic respect toward your children, they’ll demonstrate respect toward you.
Again, I’m not saying that you should let your children walk all over you. But I am saying that you shouldn’t belittle or shame them, nor should you criticise them harshly.
2. Focus more on the relationship than the rules
You don’t need to throw out the rulebook.
Just show your children that you value the parent-child relationship by speaking kindly to them and trying to understand their perspective.
3. Be a person of integrity
Be honest when talking to your children.
When they see that you’re a person of integrity, you’ll gain their respect.
4. Don’t overreact
Try not to overreact to your children’s less-than-ideal behaviour, even when you’re feeling stressed.
When you stay calm and respond appropriately, they’re more likely to respond in kind too.
5. Assume your position as leader of the home
Being a leader isn’t just about being in charge. It’s also about setting a good example and inspiring others to do their best.
Behaving like a leader also means being compassionate.
When you empathise with your children, they’ll be more open to your suggestions and opinions.
6. Share your values and beliefs with your children
You can’t force your children to adopt your beliefs. But when your children understand why you believe what you believe, they’ll recognise that you’re a person of principles.
7. Be reasonable (especially when your children are being unreasonable)
Sometimes it’s frustrating being a parent, but try to stay calm. Remember that the way you behave when you’re angry is the way they’re likely to behave when they’re agitated too.
Be the bigger person, and don’t resort to name-calling or cheap shots – even if you feel like your children deserve it.
8. Don’t be overly critical of your children
When parents are overly critical, their children start to resent them and become rebellious and argumentative.
Instead, acknowledge your children’s good behaviour and focus more on the process than the end result. You’ll no longer worry how to get your kids to respect you.
9. Listen to your children
Part of being respectful is listening to the other person.
When you listen to your children, you’ll find they’re more likely to listen to you.
This is especially so if you use active listening techniques, as described here.
10. Involve your children in the process of setting rules and boundaries
When you involve your children in setting rules, they feel valued.
Just like adults, children appreciate having control over their lives.
Of course, this doesn’t mean they get to set whatever rules they want. It means you’ll listen to their views and take them into account as you seek to arrive at a no-lose solution.
11. Respect your children’s privacy
As children and teenagers get older, they need more privacy.
If they feel as if their privacy isn’t being respected, they’ll become rebellious.
Just as you wouldn’t want other people reading your journal entries, text messages and emails, you shouldn’t infringe on your children’s privacy in that way either.
12. Set an example for your children to follow
Your children are watching you, whether or not you realise it.
Demonstrate the behaviour you want to see in them, and practise what you preach.
If you don’t, your children won’t respect you.
13. Acknowledge your children’s effort and good behaviour
Your children want your approval, so it’s important to recognise their effort, particularly if they’ve tried hard.
This principle applies even in situations when the outcome isn’t ideal.
When you appreciate their efforts, they’ll feel proud of themselves, and they’ll feel motivated to try hard next time.
14. Don’t discipline your children when you’re angry
When you’re angry, you’re more likely to overreact or say things you might regret.
Instead, show your children that it’s OK to be angry, but that it’s possible to manage your emotions effectively.
15. Ask for your children’s opinion
How to get your kids to respect you? One powerful way is to ask them for their opinion.
They’ll feel more appreciated and respected if you do this.
You can ask them where they’d like to eat for dinner, or what they’d like to do for your family time activity.
Doing this demonstrates that you value their opinions, which means they’ll be more likely to value your opinions too.
16. Be firm but kind
Sometimes your children won’t agree with your decision. In such situations, the key to preventing arguments – and tears – is to be firm but kind.
Don’t let yourself be drawn into an argument.
Hear your children out, empathise with them, but stick to your decision if it’s an issue that’s non-negotiable.
17. Don’t assume that you understand how your children feel
When your children share their problems with you, don’t tell them that you know exactly what they’re going through.
You’ll form a better connection with them if you ask them how they feel and do your best to understand their perspective.
18. Seek to understand your children’s emotions
This point is related to the previous one. Especially when your children are displaying problematic behaviours, get to the root of the issue.
My experience tells me that, at the heart of it, it’s almost always an emotional issue, so you can’t just focus on “fixing” the problematic behaviour.
19. Establish clear expectations
When expectations are unclear, there’s room for misunderstanding.
Establish clear expectations with regard to curfew, homework, chores, family commitments, etc.
This will reduce the number of conflicts that arise between you and your children, which means that your parent-child relationship will grow stronger.
20. If you lecture your children, keep it short
It’s best to avoid lecturing your children. But if you find this to be impossible, then keep the lecture short – ideally 10 minutes or less.
If the lecture is too long, your children will tune out and just pretend that they’re listening, when they’re not.
21. Stay calm
If you want to learn how to get your kids to respect you, show your children that you’re able to control your emotions.
Step away from the situation if you need to, and address the issue only when you’ve regained your composure.
Conflicts never get resolved in the heat of the moment, so do your part to remain calm.
22. Don’t threaten your children
Parents who resort to using threats have more arguments with their children in the long run. They also get a lot less respect from their children.
Instead of using threats, involve them in the process (Point #10), be firm but kind (Point #16), and set clear expectations (Point #19).
23. Give your children choices whenever possible
Allowing your children to make choices empowers them. It gives them a sense of control and ownership over their lives.
It also reduces the number of arguments that break out.
For example, instead of telling your 11-year-old to take a jacket with him as he heads out the door, ask him if he’d rather take the blue one or the red one.
24. Acknowledge your children’s feelings
We all have feelings, so it’s important to acknowledge them.
Children must learn that it’s OK to have feelings, even negative ones.
Refrain from telling your children not to be sad, or that they shouldn’t feel a certain way.
Doing so invalidates their feelings, which makes them feel misunderstood.
25. Speak “positively” instead of “negatively”
Tell your children what you’d like them to do instead of what you don’t want them to do.
For example, saying “Please walk when you’re in the house” is more effective than saying “No running!”
26. Show an interest in your children’s hobbies and activities
When you do this, your children will know that you care about them as people.
They won’t feel as if you only care about how they perform in their academics, athletics, music, etc.
(Many of the children and teenagers I’ve worked with have told me that this is exactly how they feel!)
Showing a genuine interest in their hobbies and activities will help you build a stronger parent-child relationship.
This means that your children will be more likely to show you respect.
27. Don’t make assumptions or jump to conclusions
Regardless of what has happened in the past, listen to your children’s side of the story rather than making assumptions.
This will allow you to assess the situation calmly and let them know you’ve heard them out.
As far as possible, assume the best of your children unless the evidence has clearly proven otherwise, and you’ll discover how to get your kids to respect you.
28. Have fun together with your children
Many of the children and teenagers I’ve worked with have told me that they don’t do anything fun with their parents. I wonder why this is the case!
Make time to have fun with your children, and do things they enjoy. These fun times will help you to form strong bonds with your children.
29. Don’t provide too much unsolicited advice
If your children are faced with a problem, don’t give them unsolicited advice unless absolutely necessary.
Instead, help them to reflect on the problem. Ask them how they plan to handle the situation, and encourage them to be independent problem solvers.
If they need help from you, they’ll ask.
30. Respect your spouse
You want your children to respect you and your spouse, so model the behaviour you want to see.
When you show your children that you respect your spouse, they’ll tend to show you that same kind of respect.
31. Be consistent
If you’ve already stated the consequences of a specific negative behaviour, then follow through if the rule is broken.
Being consistent lets your children know you’re reliable, so they’ll be more likely to respect you.
32. Apologise if you’ve made a mistake
Another tip for how to get your kids to respect you? When you mess up, admit it to your children.
Tell your children that you’re sorry, and explain to them how you’ll avoid making the same mistake in the future. When necessary, ask them for their forgiveness.
In doing this, your children will admire you for your humility, and they’ll understand how much you value the relationship.
33. Don’t let your children walk all over you
This doesn’t mean that you should exert your power and authority in every situation.
Rather, it means that you shouldn’t give in to your children just to avoid an argument.
Strive for a win-win situation (or a no-lose situation at the very least) whenever conflicts arise.
You’ll gain the respect of your children, and they’ll learn negotiation skills in the process too.
34. Remind your children that you love them unconditionally
One of the most powerful things you can say to your children is, “I love you no matter what.”
Sometimes children feel as if your love depends on how well they do in school or how well they behave.
It’s helpful to remind them frequently that your love is unconditional, as this will strengthen the relationship.
35. Cultivate a culture of respect in your family
Encourage your children to behave respectfully to all family members. The way you all speak to each other is the foundation of building a stable, happy home.
Show your children what it means to behave respectfully, even when there are differences in opinion.
36. Give your children freedom within limits
Children need autonomy, so when learning how to get your kids to respect you, it’s important that you give them both freedom and responsibilities.
Encourage them to be independent within certain limits. As they get older, give them more say as to what those limits are, although you’ll still retain overall authority.
37. Discuss the topic of respect with your children
Ask your children what respect means to them, and ask them what behaviour they deem to be acceptable or unacceptable.
Having such a discussion will help you to understand your children’s views on the topic.
You can then determine how best to help them develop the right values when it comes to respecting others.
38. Be respectful when you discipline or confront your children
Treat your children with respect, even when they’ve made a mistake.
Don’t shame or berate them, because this won’t empower them to learn.
When you show them respect even in such situations, they’ll develop greater respect for you.
39. Don’t take your children’s disrespectful behaviour too personally
Remember that your children are still maturing and gaining wisdom – just as all of us are.
Children and teenagers are learning to manage their thoughts and emotions. If they’re acting out, it’s a sign that they need more help and guidance.
Sometimes the answer to how to get your kids to respect you is to be the bigger person and show them grace and patience.
40. Give your full attention to your children when they speak to you
I’m sure you expect your children to listen to you when you speak. So extend the same courtesy to them.
Too many parents half-listen to their children while writing an email or checking their phone. This sends the message to children that they aren’t valued, which affects their self-esteem.
And when children suffer from poor self-esteem, they often don’t behave with respect toward others.
41. Tell your children that you enjoy spending time with them
Children need to know that you like them, not just that you love them.
If the relationship has deteriorated to the point where you don’t actually like your children, then focus on rebuilding the relationship as a priority.
42. Don’t belittle your children
Don’t talk to your children as if they’re stupid, and definitely don’t call them stupid! (If you have, refer to Point #32.)
Instead, show them that you believe in them. Assume the best of them. Celebrate their progress. Cheer them on.
If you build your children up, they’ll do the same for others.
43. Admit it when your children are right
When you’re mature enough to admit that you’re wrong and your children are right, they’ll develop greater respect for you.
We all make mistakes, so it’s already obvious to your children that you’re not perfect.
Besides, they don’t expect you to be perfect.
They expect you to be a person of authenticity, humility and character.
Do your best to live up to these expectations!
44. Refrain from saying “Don’t argue with me”
When your children hear you say “Don’t argue with me”, they’ll see you as being unreasonable and illogical. This makes it hard for them to respect you.
If you’re at your wits’ end, tell your children that you need some time to think about the issue.
Restart the conversation only when both you and your children are ready to have a level-headed discussion.
45. Give your children advance notice about upcoming events
If you don’t do this, your children will feel annoyed with you, because it seems as if their schedule and activities aren’t important to you — and you’ll struggle with how to get your kids to respect you.
For example, if there’s an event that your whole family needs to attend, tell your children a week in advance.
On the day of the event, give them a couple of reminders closer to the time that you need to leave the house.
Your children will appreciate you keeping them informed, so they won’t be caught off-guard.
46. Acknowledge the progress your children are making (even if the progress is slow)
We all feel more motivated when we feel as if we’re making headway.
As such, it’s crucial that you acknowledge the progress your children are making in the different areas of life.
Refrain from talking as if they’re never trying hard enough. If your children feel as if the effort they put in is never enough, they may stop trying altogether.
And when they feel discouraged, it’s hard for them to show honour and respect toward others.
47. Choose to focus on the issues that matter most in the long run
Choose your battles.
Don’t point out every flaw and shortcoming your children have, because they’ll get annoyed and the relationship will be damaged.
Decide which issues are most important to you, and which issues you’re willing to let slide.
48. Under all circumstances, do not yell
When you yell, you’re demonstrating that you’ve lost control.
Instead, withdraw from the situation if necessary. Say something like, “I’m too angry to talk about this now. How about we talk again after dinner?”
This approach is far better than lashing out and saying things you’ll almost certainly regret later on.
49. Don’t talk as if you know it all
Your children will respect you more if you admit that you don’t know everything.
After all, they’ve probably already realised that they know more than you about certain topics.
Be open-minded, and be willing to learn from your children.
In general, children treasure every chance they get to teach you what they know, whether it’s about technology or the latest hobby they’ve picked up.
50. Keep your promises
My final tip about how to get your kids to respect you is this: keep your promises.
Children have good memories, especially when it comes to the promises you make to them.
They’ll be disappointed for a long time if you don’t keep your promises.
Furthermore, the foundation of every relationship is trust. If you forget the promises you’ve made, your children will find it hard to trust and respect you.
Frequently asked questions
What causes a child to be disrespectful?
It’s important to remember that respect is a skill your children must learn. Part of growing up is learning how to express our desires and treat others with compassion.
If your children are disrespectful, it might be because they are:
- Learning how to manage their anger (teenage tantrums are not uncommon)
- Struggling to communicate effectively
- Dealing with frustrations (both inside and outside of the home)
- Seeking independence and autonomy
Yelling at your kids or disregarding their emotions only makes these root problems worse.
Instead, learn how to get your kids to respect you by following the 50 tips for respectful parenting outlined in this article.
How do you explain respect to a child?
Ready to learn the easiest way to explain respect to a child?
Use your actions, not your words.
When you model respectful behaviour to your children, you cultivate a culture of respect in your home. Explaining respect to a child may not even be necessary!
Your children are constantly observing your behaviour — and they notice when you bad-mouth your spouse, friends, or neighbours.
So, show your kids what respect looks like, and they’ll learn the behaviour that’s expected of them.
Then, if you need to, follow Point #37 to have a productive conversation with them about what it means to be respectful.
How do you raise a respectful child?
Start by following the tips in this post. 🙂
Then, remember this:
How to get your kids to respect you comes back to respectful parenting.
You’re still setting boundaries for your children, and you’re certainly not letting your kids walk all over you.
But you’re letting them know that they’re supported, heard and valued. You’re building a mutually respectful relationship — and raising a respectful child, too.
By applying these tips, you’ll raise children who respect you
The tips in this article are all simple things you can start practising today.
Of course, it’s impossible to implement all the tips right away.
Choose a couple of items from the list and try them out this week. The following week, try out one or two additional tips.
Over time, you’ll see huge changes.
Your relationship with your children will improve. Your children will respect you more. Your family life will become more harmonious and enjoyable.
And your children will be on their way to becoming gracious, responsible and successful people!
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Nice thought really. Child motivation really important for child creativity. Thanks for such a lovely though. It will help kids mental growth.
As I agree with some of these things a teenagers privacy is not one ….your child’s safety should never be comprised as that’s literally your very first and most important job as a parent. This article makes it seem like the best thing to do is to cater to our children which is going to make our children always feel like they’re owed something and that’s just simply not how life works. Lol
I agree. I can’t tell you the troubles our 14 year old girl had for a few years. Parents should always know Facebook and phone passwords, and know they can be taken at any given moment with bad behavior. All these things won’t work for a high maintenance child- especially kids with divorced parents and one works against the other. Are you sure you have kids?
yes parents should always look after their kids, but there’s a line. if you are always snooping through their phones and social media, it proves you don’t trust them. and if you don’t trust them, how are they supposed to trust you? and yes children are owed as much as you are Ashleigh. they aren’t any less than you. just like you they deserve respect, privacy, and everything adults have. it’s completely unfair to them if you treat them of any less than an individual.
Respecting your child’s privacy sends a signal to your child that her privacy is important, crucial element of respect that will empower her to protect her own boundaries if done consistently. If you routinely intrude on her boundaries on the premise of keeping her safe, she’s very likely to find danger all on her own. Such intrusions also send the signal that she’s not capable of identifying danger for herself. Privacy is not secondary to safety, it is a crucial element of it. No privacy? No safety. Isn’t that true of your own life? Of course. Then it’s true for her too. Communicating to her what you believe about safety, how you value her safety, the guidelines follow and expect her to follow, and then trusting her to do so, with the promise of your close and ready assistance is the best plan. What will never work is telling her privacy is respected… until you arbitrarily decide to intrude on it yourself… to make sure she isn’t inadvertently harming herself… because that’s what authorities do. Do you want her to value and protect herself, or do you want her to wait for someone else to protect her?
Ok, that was a great example! Thank you for sharing that. I cannot wait to apply this with my own children.